Eliana was a flower girl in my sister's wedding a couple weeks ago.  She did a fabulous job and made it down the aisle!  That in itself is an accomplishment for a 2 year old!  In anticipation of the long day (potentially with no nap) I put together a flower girl activity bag.

It was filled with things that could entertain her throughout the day during lulls, between photos and when on the trolley (transportation for the wedding party).  It was also wonderful motivation to sit quietly during Mass so that she could play with the new toys and games afterwards!  Attached was a card where a small message in the form of a poem was written inside:

The card stated:

A Flower Girl Princess
all dress in white
for most of today and even tonight!

Today is going to be 
a long one for you,
so when you need it 
open the bag and find something to do!

Mommy and Daddy

The bag was a steal of a find because it was on clearance at Target for .86 cents!  Plus, it had a big paper flower attached to the outside with a "diamond" in the center!  Woo-hoo - perfect for my Flower Girl Princess!

The contents of the bag:
  • Cardboard Puzzle
  • Imagine Ink Coloring Book
  • Squeeze Rockets
  • Princess Crown
  • Paint With Water Book
  • Stickers
  • Goldfish
  • A Small Princess Purse