Follow a simple pattern to make this adorable dress!

Isn't this one of the cutest outfits?! I just love it! I found the pattern on Etsy in a shop called "Tutorial Girl". This is a picture of the outfit she models in her posting:

This is my version:

Here are a couple other views:

I made her the leggings to coordinate. They match the lining fabric of the hooded vest/dress. They are not included in the pattern from Tutorial Girl - they are something I made off the cuff (a.k.a. Without a pattern).

I recommend buying this pattern - I was really happy with it and it only cost $5.80. I am pretty sure that English is the second language of the author of this pattern. There are parts that are somewhat difficult to understand. If you have any questions about what she means at times feel free to ask and I will let you know how I deciphered it (which may be right or wrong, but it ended up all working out for me in the end).